Title: The relationship between the dimensions of Lovemarks and commitment and their impact on sport fan behaviour
Authors: Avichai Shuv-Ami
Addresses: The School of Business Administration, Peres Academic Center, 10 Shimon Peres Street, Rehovot 7610202, Israel
Abstract: The current research tested the relationship between the dimensions of Lovemarks and commitment and their impact on the behaviour of football and basketball fans. The results are based on a representative sample of 1330 Israeli sport fans. Using structural equation modelling, the findings suggest that the love component of the Lovemarks model, that is the involvement component that represents the engagement attachment of commitment and sport spectator identity, may represent important constructs that affect actual fan behaviour. Fans love and identify with their team, a result of their involvement and engagement with the team games and activities, especially through emotional and symbolic activities. Such behaviour exposes sport spectators to the club promotions during team games and other team activities. Consequently, in order to strengthen fan relationship with the club and increase the positive impact of the sport club on the cycle of love-involvement-identity-game watching, sport clubs should plan effective promotions during the team's games. Such promotion may include symbolic giveaways that will help fans recall the good time they had at the game. Sport clubs may also use social media to promote their brands and build fans relationships. Developing online social communities, indicate emotional relationships that, cultivated by the intimacy of love and identity, can lead to an emotionally-based attachment and bond to the sport club brand.
Keywords: sport club; Lovemarks; love; respect; commitment; satisfaction; loyalty; involvement; performance; sport spectator identity; recommendations; purchase intentions; watching games.
DOI: 10.1504/IJDCET.2018.090387
International Journal of Digital Culture and Electronic Tourism, 2018 Vol.2 No.3, pp.196 - 212
Received: 01 Jul 2017
Accepted: 21 Sep 2017
Published online: 13 Mar 2018 *