Title: Acceptance of e-book reading among higher education students in a developing country: the modified diffusion innovation theory
Authors: Wasim Qazi; Syed Ali Raza; Nida Shah
Addresses: Department of Education and Learning Sciences, IQRA University, Karachi, 75300, Pakistan ' Department of Management Sciences, IQRA University, Karachi, 75300, Pakistan ' Department of Management Sciences, IQRA University, Karachi, 75300, Pakistan
Abstract: This study explores the students' intention towards the e-book adoption in Pakistan by using the modified diffusion innovation theory. Student attitude, awareness, perceived innovation characteristics (PIC) are taken as independent variables; actual usage is taken as a dependent variable, whereas intention plays the role of the mediator in the relationship. The data is collected through five-point Likert questionnaire from 620 university students. The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), partial least square structure equation modelling (PLS-SEM) has been applied. The results show that compatibility, complexity, observability, trialability, attitude and awareness has a significant positive effect on behavioural intention, whereas, relative advantage has an insignificant effect on behavioural intention. Moreover, behavioural intention creates a significant positive effect on actual usage. This study will be useful in understanding the factors associated with the adoption of e-book reading. This work will help the managers to understand the role of PIC in adoption of new product or technology.
Keywords: e-book reading; modified innovation diffusion theory; actual usage; Pakistan.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2018.089113
International Journal of Business Information Systems, 2018 Vol.27 No.2, pp.222 - 245
Received: 02 May 2016
Accepted: 23 Jul 2016
Published online: 07 Jan 2018 *