Title: Accessibility analysis of web browsers
Authors: Manas Ranjan Patra; Amar Ranjan Dash
Addresses: Department of Computer Science, Berhampur University, Berhampur, India ' Department of Computer Science, Berhampur University, Berhampur, India
Abstract: Web portals have become widely accepted and convenient means of electronic presence for organisations, businesses, and governments. As a result, a plethora of information services are now being delivered by organisations be it government, business firms, or academic institutions across the world. This has raised concern for accessibility of such web services by users belonging to different age groups, physical challenges, ethnicity, and levels of literacy. In order to enhance web accessibility, one must consider the accessibility of both web portals and web browsers. Towards this end, in this paper, we have studied the accessibility compliance of some popular web browsers with respect to User Agent Accessibility Guideline (UAAG 2.0). We have provided a quantitative evaluation of different aspects of accessibility of web browsers which we believe can help in the better designing of web browsers by taking care of the deficiencies inherent to them.
Keywords: accessibility; User Agent Accessibility Guideline; UAAG; Web Content Accessibility Guideline; WCAG; Authoring Tool Accessibility Guideline; ATAG; web accessibility initiative; WAI; user-agent; web browser; compliance; accessibility evaluation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSTM.2017.088161
International Journal of Services Technology and Management, 2017 Vol.23 No.4, pp.313 - 330
Received: 25 Dec 2015
Accepted: 04 Jul 2016
Published online: 27 Nov 2017 *