Title: Failure mode and effect analysis using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process and GRA TOPSIS in manufacturing industry
Authors: G. Sakthivel; Bernard W. Ikua
Addresses: School of Mechanical and Building Sciences, VIT University Chennai, Chennai 600 127, India ' College of Engineering and Technology, Jomo Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya
Abstract: In the manufacturing industry, system failures may cause to personnel and infrastructure damages to the organisation which leads to loss in production. FMEA is a widely used engineering technique to improve product quality, reliability and eliminate known and/or potential failures. The present study develops evaluation model based on FMEA and FAHP integrated with combination of TOPSIS and GRA to valuate greatest risk in the processes for production of automotive dust cap in manufacturing industry. FAHP is used to compute the weights whereas fuzzy TOPSIS is used to obtain the final ranking. Among the various failure, blanking of blank failure mode is ranked first in the priority order to make an attention followed by the drawing dimension failure > window cutting failure > final inspection of dimension failure > packing (short excess quantity) failure > hole size failure > packing (damage in pack) failure > dispatch failure > plating failure.
Keywords: failure mode and effects analysis; analytical hierarchy process; TOPSIS; fuzzy set theory; manufacturing industry.
DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2017.087864
International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 2017 Vol.22 No.4, pp.466 - 484
Received: 02 Jun 2016
Accepted: 30 Sep 2016
Published online: 06 Nov 2017 *