Title: OGPADSM2: oriented-group public auditing for data sharing with multi-user modification
Authors: Jianhong Zhang; Xubing Zhao; Weina Zhen
Addresses: College of Sciences, North China University of Technology, Beijing 100144, China ' Institute of Image Process and Pattern Recognize, North China University of Technology, Beijing 100144, China ' Institute of Image Process and Pattern Recognize, North China University of Technology, Beijing 100144, China
Abstract: In most data sharing protocols for cloud storage, to update the outsourced data, the data updating operation is only executed by data owner. Obviously, it is far from practical owing to the tremendous computational cost on data owner. Until now, there are a few protocols in which multiple cloud users are allowed to update the outsourced data with integrity assurance. And these protocols do not consider collusion attack between misbehaving cloud servers and the revoked users, which is an important challenge in data sharing protocol. To support multi-user modification and resist collusion attack, we propose a novel public auditing for data sharing with multi-user modification in this paper. Our scheme does not support public checking and efficient user revocation, but provides backward security. At the same time, our scheme is provably secure under the bilinear Diffie-Hellman problem. To increase efficiency of the auditor's verification, an improved protocol is given. In the improved protocol, only one pairing operation is required in the auditor's verification phase. By comparison with the other protocols, our scheme has lower computation cost on the auditor and stronger security.
Keywords: cloud computing; integrity checking; security proof; provably secure; random oracle model; cryptography.
DOI: 10.1504/IJHPCN.2017.084252
International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking, 2017 Vol.10 No.3, pp.240 - 249
Received: 03 Aug 2015
Accepted: 29 Sep 2015
Published online: 22 May 2017 *