Title: A real time vehicle management system implementation on cloud computing platform
Authors: Hua-Yi Lin; Jiann-Gwo Doong; Meng-Yen Hsieh; Kuan-Ching Li
Addresses: Department of Information Management, China University of Technology, Taiwan ' Department of Information Management, China University of Technology, Taiwan ' Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Providence University, Taiwan ' Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Providence University, Taiwan
Abstract: This study attempts to use the high-speed computing capability of cloud computing and smart phones to achieve a vehicle management system running on moving cars. Our researches exploit smart phones or tablet PCs as a car machine that provides an application of location-based services on the mobile device with global position system (GPS), wireless camcorder, Google-map, visualisation information, and graphical presentation to provide personalised services (Zhang et al., 2010; Sultan, 2010). This study allows users instantly to access the information and manage the movement of cars. Additionally, the location of golf carts, surrounding environment and personnel information are transmitted through a wireless network to the monitor centre. Thus monitor centre can achieve real-time services, motorcade managements and caddy caring services. If the proposed mechanism performs well, this study will be extended to some other applications in the near future.
Keywords: cloud computing; vehicle management; global position system; GPS.
DOI: 10.1504/IJHPCN.2017.084245
International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking, 2017 Vol.10 No.3, pp.168 - 178
Received: 12 May 2015
Accepted: 06 Aug 2015
Published online: 22 May 2017 *