Title: A review of the current situation, challenges and opportunities in the financial analysis of enterprise architectures
Authors: Yeimi Pena; Dario Correal; Eduardo Miranda
Addresses: Department of Systems and Computing Engineering, Universidad de Los Andes, Cra. 1E No. 19A-40 ML754, Bogotá, Colombia ' Department of Systems and Computing Engineering, Universidad de Los Andes, Cra. 1E No. 19A-40 ML754, Bogotá, Colombia ' Program of Software Engineering Master, Carnegie Mellon University, 300 S. Craig Street 268, PA, 15213, USA
Abstract: Enterprise architecture (EA) has gained increasing recognition from industry and academia because of the support it provides for alignment of business and technology. To achieve this alignment, an EA responds to business concerns with technology solutions based on transition architectures. Both require support from financial analysis. Various researchers and practitioners have developed financial analysis approaches, but most: 1) use poorly standardised concepts; 2) ignore rapidly changing technology; 3) use limited procedures for financial analyses. This review provides specific information about the current situation of financial analysis available for EA, describes approaches found in a literature review, and proposes challenges and future research directions.
Keywords: financial analysis; enterprise architecture; transition plan; technology investment; methodologies; methods; systematic literature review; SLR.
DOI: 10.1504/WRSTSD.2017.084176
World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 2017 Vol.13 No.2, pp.145 - 173
Received: 04 Feb 2016
Accepted: 24 Nov 2016
Published online: 16 May 2017 *