Title: Trend of municipal landfill leachate treatment via a combination of ozone with various physic-chemical techniques
Authors: Hamidi Abdul Aziz; Salem S. Abu Amr; Mohammed J.K. Bashir
Addresses: School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus, UniversitiSains Malaysia, 14300 NibongTebal, Penang, Malaysia; Solid Waste Management Cluster, Science and Engineering Research Centre, Engineering Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Penang, Malaysia ' Environmental Engineering Technology, Malaysian Institute of Chemical and Bioengineering Technology, Universiti Kuala Lumpur, (UniKL, MICET), Melaka, 78000, Malaysia ' Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, 31900 Kampar, Perak, Malaysia
Abstract: The risk of groundwater pollution due to municipal landfill leachate seepage has become a major environmental concern worldwide. Various types of physico-chemical treatment processes have been employed to achieve a satisfactory removal of refractory pollutants from the landfill leachate. Ozone has recently received much attention because of its highly powerful oxidation potential in landfill leachate treatment. The present study investigated ozonation process reaction, performance and limitation in landfill leachate treatment. Furthermore, the effectiveness of using a combination of various processes such as; coagulation-ozonation, Fenton-ozonation, adsorption-ozonation, and biological-ozonation) in leachate treatment are compared and evaluated. A literature survey indicated that an insufficient performance in term of pollutants removal efficiencies has been obtained when landfill leachate was treated via ozone alone. However, a combination of ozone and other processes achieved a considerable improvement in term of treatment efficiency; however, several stages and long treatment time are required.
Keywords: ozone; landfill leachate; treatment efficiency; organic compounds; oxidation; municipal landfills; leachate treatment; groundwater pollution; water pollution; physico-chemical treatment; refractory pollutants; ozonation; pollutant removal.
International Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2016 Vol.8 No.2/3, pp.95 - 109
Accepted: 12 Feb 2016
Published online: 18 Feb 2017 *