Title: Grid-connected inverter using fused converters
Authors: T.D. Sudhakar; K.N. Srinivas
Addresses: Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, St. Joseph's College of Engineering, 114, Karikalan Street, Annai Indra Nagar, Chennai 600042, India ' Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, B. S. Abdur Rahman University, Chennai, India
Abstract: This paper proposes a new modified sinusoidal pulse width modulation (MSPWM) triggering technique for a SEPIC converter. To demonstrate this, a transformer less multistage DC-DC converter interconnected with many renewable energy is considered, which is finally fed to the grid system. The multistage DC-DC converter utilises a fused CUK-SEPIC converter and a SEPIC converter. The fused CUK-SEPIC converter provides the required voltage from a number of renewable sources and the SEPIC converter does the job of DC rectification. A new modified carrier based modulation technique is applied in the SEPIC converter. This is the claim of the paper. The proposed modulation technique avoids the usage of the bulky transformers in real time. Further in the present study, the usage of the multistage DC-DC converter is justified as the voltage produced by all the renewable energy sources put together is less, which necessitates a multistage boost.
Keywords: CUK-SEPIC converters; modified sinusoidal PWM; MSPWM; pulse width modulation; renewable energy total harmonic distortion; THD; SEPIC converter; grid-connected inverters; fused converters; multistage DC-DC converters.
DOI: 10.1504/IJPELEC.2016.081830
International Journal of Power Electronics, 2016 Vol.8 No.1, pp.69 - 86
Received: 30 Jul 2016
Accepted: 09 Nov 2016
Published online: 26 Jan 2017 *