Title: Incremental algorithm for acoustoelastic theory of large static pre-deformed fluid-saturated porous media
Authors: Hongfei Ma; Jiayong Tian; Mi Wang
Addresses: China Earthquake Administration, Institute of Crustal Dynamics, No. 1, Anningzhuang Rd, Xisanqi, Beijing, 100085, China; China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd., Hebei Branch, No. 56, Yuhuadong Rd, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, 050000, China ' China Earthquake Administration, Institute of Crustal Dynamics, No. 1, Anningzhuang Rd, Xisanqi, Beijing, 100085, China ' China Earthquake Administration, Institute of Crustal Dynamics, No. 1, Anningzhuang Rd, Xisanqi, Beijing, 100085, China
Abstract: The incremental acoustoelastic equations for fluid-saturated porous media (FSPM) under the large static pre-deformation are derived in this paper by incremental loading method based on classic acoustoelastic theory of FSPM, which provides quantitative acoustoelastic relation of FSPM with arbitrary constitutive equation. Isotropic FSPM with third-order constitutive equation are taken as an example to give the relation between wave velocity and confining pressure and discuss the effect of loading step on acoustoelastic relations of isotropic FSPM under closed-pore jacketed condition and opened-pore jacketed condition.
Keywords: acoustoelasticity; large static pre-deformation; fluid-saturated porous media; isotropic FSPM; constitutive equations; incremental loading; acoustoelastic theory; wave velocity; confining pressure.
Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, An International Journal, 2017 Vol.17 No.1, pp.42 - 51
Published online: 23 Jan 2017 *