Title: Growth and function: a viral research program for next organisations
Authors: Steffen Roth
Addresses: La Rochelle Business School, 102 Rue de Coureilles, 17000 La Rochelle, France
Abstract: This article is the prototype of a virus that recodes economy biased decision programs of capitalist organisations. To bypass the notorious firewalls of capitalism we developed a program that works as anti-capitalist malware program without being one. This is achieved by changing the programming language from moral code to functional differentiation. If executed, our program: a) decodes growth as both economic and non-economic form; b) installs a multifunctional subroutine that enables organisations to modulate the frequencies with which they code decisions in both economic and non-economic media. The more decisions coded in non-economic media, the less important the economy, and the more alternatives to anti-/capitalist visions of de-/growth emerge.
Keywords: viruses; organisational programs; functional differentiation; social differentiation; degrowth; post-growth; next organisations; capitalism; anti-capitalist malware; economic growth; non-economic growth.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2016 Vol.72 No.4, pp.296 - 309
Received: 05 Sep 2015
Accepted: 31 Oct 2015
Published online: 15 Jan 2017 *