Title: A framework for implementing Six Sigma methodology to accredit university campus facilities in Kuwait
Authors: Majid M. Aldaihani; Adel A. Alhussainan; Mohammad J. Terro
Addresses: Department of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering, College of Engineering and Petroleum, Kuwait University, P.O. Box 5969, 13060, Safat, Kuwait ' Department of Quantitative Methods and Information Systems, College of Business Administration, Kuwait University, P.O. Box 5486, 13055, Safat, Kuwait ' The Australian College of Kuwait, P.O. Box 1411, Safat 1305, Kuwait
Abstract: This paper introduces a framework for using the Six Sigma DMAIC methodology to address a unique quality assurance problem in academic performance evaluation criteria to accredit university campus facilities. Academic performance of educational institutions is believed to be highly correlated to factors such as land and space allocation, facilities and laboratories' design specifications, and campus planning. The proposed framework applied to address the improvement on the highly variable/ uncontrollable length of time to finish a given case review process (cycle time) of an engineering report of a private university/college in the State of Kuwait. Academic assessment has been done in terms of stressing the advantages and shortcomings while implementing the DMAIC phases. A typical review cycle was the objective of the study that the research has successfully reduced with a significant percentage.
Keywords: six sigma implementation; quality management; higher education; quality assurance; private universities; campus engineering; Kuwait; accreditation; university campus facilities; quality assurance; academic performance evaluation; DMAIC; review cycle.
DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2017.081481
International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 2017 Vol.20 No.2, pp.217 - 237
Received: 25 Feb 2015
Accepted: 17 Jun 2015
Published online: 10 Jan 2017 *