Title: Numerical and experimental simulation of accident processes using KMS large-scale test facility under the program of training university students for nuclear power industry
Authors: Yu.N. Aniskevich
Addresses: Alexandrov NITI 188540, Sosnovy Bor, Leningrad region, Russia
Abstract: The KMS large-scale test facility is being constructed at NITI site and designed to model accident processes in VVER reactor plants and provide experimental data for safety analysis of both existing and future NPPs. The KMS phase I is at the completion stage. This is a containment model of 2000 m3 volume intended for experimentally simulating heat and mass transfers of steam-gas mixtures and aerosols inside containment. The KMS phase II will incorporate a reactor model (1:27 scale) and be used for analysing a number of events including primary and secondary LOCA. The KMS program for background training of university students in the nuclear field will include preparation and conduction of experiments, analysis of experiment data. The KMS program for background training of university students in nuclear will include: participation in the development and application of experiment procedures, preparation and carrying out experiments; carrying out pretest and post-test calculations with different computer codes; on-the-job training as operators of experiment scenarios; training of specialists in measurement and information acquisition technologies.
Keywords: KMS large-scale test facility; experimental data; safety analysis; nuclear power plants; training programme; nuclear education; accident processes; nuclear safety; nuclear reactors; heat transfer; mass transfer; steam-gas mixtures; aerosols; higher education; university education; knowledge management; information acquisition; measurement technology; Russia.
DOI: 10.1504/IJNKM.2005.008138
International Journal of Nuclear Knowledge Management, 2005 Vol.1 No.4, pp.300 - 307
Published online: 21 Nov 2005 *
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