Title: Knowledge management at ELETRONUCLEAR
Authors: Witold Lepecki
Addresses: ELETRONUCLEAR, Rua da Candelaria, 65, 20091 020 RJ Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Abstract: ELETRONUCLEAR, a state-owned company responsible for design, construction, ownership and operation of nuclear power plants in Brazil, is applying systematic measures to preserve its essential technological know-how. A special project called |Determination of Technological Know-How of ELETRONUCLEAR| was established in January 2001 for this purpose. The extent and location of the existing know-how was identified and the gaps in the essential know-how were evaluated. A multidisciplinary team was established to implement the project. The team interacted with experts both in Brazil and abroad to achieve a sound technical basis as far as knowledge identification and preservation techniques are concerned. The results of this know-how survey were stored in an electronic data bank, which facilitated the creation of several types of reports, according to various criteria. An in-depth analysis of the survey pointed to the gaps in essential know-how. Proposals for solutions to fill in the know-how gaps were set up, comprising both short-term, as well as long-term, solutions. This project was the first work by ELETRONUCLEAR in the field of Knowledge Management. An indirect consequence was the creation of a nucleus of personnel competent in this new discipline, which had a multiplying effect throughout ELETRONUCLEAR, allowing the execution of other new projects in KM.
Keywords: knowledge management; aging; cognitive science; human factors; knowledge acquisition; knowledge representation; knowledge preservation; nuclear utilities; nuclear industry; Brazil; technological know-how; nuclear technology; nuclear knowledge.
DOI: 10.1504/IJNKM.2005.008136
International Journal of Nuclear Knowledge Management, 2005 Vol.1 No.4, pp.283 - 291
Published online: 21 Nov 2005 *
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