Title: Does the potential for developing new technology lead to successful technology transfer commercialisation? The case of public R&D outputs in Korea
Authors: Woojin Yoon; Sangwook Han
Addresses: College of Business and Economics, Hanyang University ERICA Campus, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do 15588, Korea ' Department of Management Consulting, Hanyang University Graduate School, Seoul, Korea
Abstract: This study examines the influence of major variables representing a firm's potential for developing new technology, such as an affiliation with a business group, possession of an independent R&D organisation, and technological capabilities, on technology transfer commercialisation. We selected firms that had signed contracts of technology transfer with a public research institution performing R&D and technology transfer in the field of information and communication technology as a sample. An event history analysis was carried out to predict the likelihood of successful commercialisation of the transferred technologies. Statistical results indicate that an affiliation with a large-scale business group and possession of an independent R&D organisation both had negative effects on the success of technology transfer commercialisation.
Keywords: technology transfer; commercialisation; business groups; R&D organisations; technological capabilities; new technology development; public R&D; R&D outputs; South Korea; research and development.
International Journal of Management Practice, 2017 Vol.10 No.1, pp.93 - 108
Received: 09 Apr 2015
Accepted: 16 Mar 2016
Published online: 01 Dec 2016 *