Title: Dynamics of disruptive innovations in outperforming global brands: a study in Mexico
Authors: Pável Reyes-Mercado; Rajagopal
Addresses: Department of Doctoral Studies in Management Sciences, EGADE Business School, ITESM, Calle del Puente 222, Col. Ejidos de Huipulco, Delegación Tlalpan, C.P. 14380, Mexico, Distrito Federal, México City, Mexico ' Department of Doctoral Studies in Management Sciences, EGADE Business School, ITESM, Calle del Puente 222, Col. Ejidos de Huipulco, Delegación Tlalpan, C.P. 14380, Mexico, Distrito Federal, México City, Mexico
Abstract: This paper aims to determine consumers' internal preference structure for branded and refillable printing cartridges under the perspective of theory of disruptive innovations. In the study region, users may choose to buy a new branded printing cartridge or, once purchased, refill it or have it refilled for further use, displacing the purchase of a new branded cartridge. Drawing on choice-based conjoint techniques and on the basis of 84 sample observations, we assessed the relative importance of price, lifespan, reliability, and quality as critical factors for choosing between branded and refillable printing cartridges. Results of the study show that consumers in market segments, low and high value reliability and quality as main drivers but price is valued higher by high-end consumers and branded printing cartridges' users. Lifespan of the product was found to have a very low contribution to utility. Results are discussed from the perspective of new product development.
Keywords: disruptive innovation; Mexico; printer cartridges; conjoint analysis; consumer choice; consumer preferences; price; lifespan; reliability; quality; branded cartridges; refillable cartridges; global brands; new product development; NPD.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2017.080599
International Journal of Business Excellence, 2017 Vol.11 No.1, pp.1 - 15
Received: 17 Jan 2015
Accepted: 23 Mar 2015
Published online: 01 Dec 2016 *