Title: Reflexions on an improved method of gaining scientific insights - why we should take uncertainties seriously
Authors: Rob W.L. Zuijderhoudt
Addresses: Anton Mauvelaan 1, 1401 CJ, Bussum, Nederland
Abstract: With the help of Boulding (1956) and Taleb (2007, 2012) the inadequacy of cybernetic reduction, on which many managers' and directors' ideas and actions are based, is demonstrated. A more-encompassing reduction of synergetics and theoretical genetics is introduced and illustrated with a description of the complex adaptive system (CAS): a reduction that offers a new insight into the creation of order by means of released synergy, as well as new insights into the evolution of life, in particular the nervous system, and the way in which this evolution leads to organisations of animals and human beings. This is followed by some critical observations about the way Ralph Stacey et al. have developed such a novel approach to human and organisational behaviour from the point of view of complex dynamics. My intention is to widen their approach and to try and connect it to other, more traditional approaches, thus offering anyone who feels actively involved in the survival of people, organisations and society a considerable expansion of scientific insight into organisational processes.
Keywords: new scientific method; complex adaptive systems; CAS; origin of order; creation of synergy; evolution of nervous systems; Stacey; complex responsive process; discontinuity; self-organisation; emergence; positive feedback; scientific insights; uncertainties; human behaviour; organisational behaviour; complex dynamics.
International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 2016 Vol.17 No.4, pp.468 - 490
Received: 08 Mar 2015
Accepted: 10 Oct 2015
Published online: 27 Sep 2016 *