Title: Customer behaviour model of brown sugar commodity
Authors: Wa Kuasa Baka; Usman Rianse; Dasmin Sidu; Weka Widayati; Edi Cahyono; Weka Gusmiarty Abdullah; Ilma Sarimustaqiyma Rianse; Zulfikar La Zulfikar; Abdi La Abdi; La Rianda Baka
Addresses: Faculty of Culture Science, Universitas Halu Oleo, Kampus Hijau Bumi Tridharma Anduonohu, Kendari 93232, Indonesia ' Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Halu Oleo, Kampus Hijau Bumi Tridharma Anduonohu, Kendari 93232, Indonesia ' Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Halu Oleo, Kampus Hijau Bumi Tridharma Anduonohu, Kendari 93232, Indonesia ' Faculty of Technology and Geoscience, Universitas Halu Oleo, Kampus Hijau Bumi Tridharma Anduonohu, Kendari 93232, Indonesia ' Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Halu Oleo, Kampus Hijau Bumi Tridharma Anduonohu, Kendari 93232, Indonesia ' Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Halu Oleo, Kampus Hijau Bumi Tridharma Anduonohu, Kendari 93232, Indonesia ' Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Halu Oleo, Kampus Hijau Bumi Tridharma Anduonohu, Kendari 93232, Indonesia ' Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Halu Oleo, Kampus Hijau Bumi Tridharma Anduonohu, Kendari 93232, Indonesia ' Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Halu Oleo, Kampus Hijau Bumi Tridharma Anduonohu, Kendari 93232, Indonesia ' Faculty of Technology and Agricultural Industries, Universitas Halu Oleo, Kampus Hijau Bumi Tridharma Anduonohu, Kendari 93232, Indonesia
Abstract: There is a gap between consumption and production of sugar in many countries and especially in Indonesia. Brown sugar business is important to be developed as a healthy alternative sweetener. Business development is supposed to be based on consumer behaviour. We found some behaviour of brown sugar customers in purchasing, such as ensuring density, taste, neatness of packaging and later on the price of brown sugar to be bought. There are several factors that influence customer behaviour in purchasing of brown sugar. The fourth independent variables on α 5% (age of respondent, income, texture, and dummy for purchasing reason), and the third independent variables on α 25% (service of seller, market cleaning, and dummy for vocation) affected the customer behaviour in purchasing of brown sugar significantly. The implication of this research is to obtain information about the factors that must be considered in formulating a marketing strategy based on customer behaviour. It is very useful to the existence of brown sugar business, and to increase the brown sugar business scale to meet the needs of national and international markets for alternative sources of healthy sweetener.
Keywords: customer behaviour; brown sugar; purchasing quantity; purchasing rationale; customer characteristics; Indonesia; consumer behaviour; density; taste; packaging; price; marketing strategy; purchasing behaviour.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2016.078895
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 2016 Vol.11 No.3, pp.444 - 460
Received: 17 May 2014
Accepted: 06 May 2015
Published online: 04 Sep 2016 *