Title: Development of NPP personnel training system in Ukraine

Authors: Vadym Tarykin

Addresses: Operation Personnel Training Department, Khmelnitsky NPP, Training Center, Neteshin 30100, Khmelnitsky region, Ukraine

Abstract: Modern personnel training and retraining system is a guarantee of NPPs safe reliable operation. Since the time when independence of Ukraine was proclaimed personnel training system was created directly at NPPs. This system is based on the latest legislation framework, developed subject to IAEA recommendations, gained international experience in the field of personnel training in view of increased demands to personnel qualification. Training Centers, formed at each plant, form one of the main components of NPP personnel training. Personnel training at Training Centers is performed in accordance with standard programmes. Simulator training base was created by joint efforts of specialists from the USA, Russia and Ukraine. Establishing manager training system and replacement reserves for National Nuclear Energy Generating Company |ENERGOATOM| (NNEGC |ENERGOATOM|) managerial personnel, including training programme and training materials development, teacher selection and training, is under way.

Keywords: personnel training; training centres; simulator training; nuclear safety; retraining; Ukraine; simulation; nuclear energy; nuclear training; nuclear power; management training; knowledge management.

DOI: 10.1504/IJNKM.2005.007882

International Journal of Nuclear Knowledge Management, 2005 Vol.1 No.3, pp.212 - 216

Published online: 29 Sep 2005 *

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