Title: Nuclear knowledge management initiatives of the Regional Cooperative Agreement undertaken by the Electronic Networking and Outreach project

Authors: Alawiah Musa, Ainul Hayati Daud, Mohamad Safuan Sulaiman

Addresses: The Information and Technology Centre, Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology Research (MINT), Bangi, Kajang 43000, Malaysia. ' The Information and Technology Centre, Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology Research (MINT), Bangi, Kajang 43000, Malaysia. ' The Information and Technology Centre, Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology Research (MINT), Bangi, Kajang 43000, Malaysia

Abstract: The Regional Cooperative Agreement (RCA) in the Asia Pacific region is one of the cooperative agreements under the aegis of the International Atomic Energy Agency and currently consists of 17 member states. Since the region covered by the RCA is undergoing a rapid expansion in nuclear power development, many activities have been carried out under the RCA. The Electronic Networking and Outreach (ENO) Project under the RCA was used as a vehicle for the RCA programme for the dissemination of valuable information to end-users. This paper will describe the initiatives undertaken by the ENO project to initially establish an information and knowledge-sharing environment as an initiative towards a nuclear knowledge management system within the RCA community. It will also discuss the challenges and issues peculiar to the region that have been encountered during the project cycle. Then it will try to offer a conceptual framework of a nuclear knowledge management system for the RCA region.

Keywords: nuclear knowledge management initiatives; regional cooperation; Asia-Pacific; International Atomic Energy Agency; IAEA; information dissemination; Electronic Networking and Outreach Project; ENO; knowledge sharing; information sharing; nuclear energy; nuclear power; nuclear technology.

DOI: 10.1504/IJNKM.2005.007880

International Journal of Nuclear Knowledge Management, 2005 Vol.1 No.3, pp.201 - 208

Published online: 29 Sep 2005 *

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