Title: Experimental validation and robustness analysis of a multiple model switching antilock braking system control algorithm

Authors: Morteza Dousti; S. Çağlar Başlamışlı

Addresses: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hacettepe University, Beytepe, Ankara, 06800, Turkey ' Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hacettepe University, Beytepe, Ankara, 06800, Turkey

Abstract: In this paper, antilock braking system (ABS) control algorithms based on multiple model switching lead lag controllers are designed and are experimentally validated. Algorithms are designed to be adaptive with changing driving and road conditions in a switched multiple model manner. The effectiveness of the switching controllers is evaluated during transitions between different road friction coefficients. As the structure of the original experimental test device did not allow for the dynamic modification of the friction coefficient, controller switching stability was demonstrated under varying normal wheel load conditions implemented through simple modifications made on the test setup. The performance of the proposed controllers against varying vehicle speed and friction was also evaluated through simulations involving a half car braking model where a combined multiple model controller and observer structure was implemented. Experimental and simulation results indicate that the proposed control method is a potential candidate for implementation on a test vehicle.

Keywords: wheel slip regulation; multi-model switching control; controller design; experimental testing; ABS algorithms; MMSO; multiple model switching observer; Burckhardt tyre model; road friction coefficient; robustness analysis; robust control; antilock braking systems; vehicle control; vehicle braking; wheel load conditions; vehicle speed; friction; simulation; vehicle modelling.

DOI: 10.1504/IJVD.2016.078779

International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2016 Vol.71 No.1/2/3/4, pp.226 - 257

Received: 11 Oct 2014
Accepted: 30 Nov 2015

Published online: 02 Sep 2016 *

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