Title: External advisors and firm internationalisation: developing knowledge links in the Asia-Pacific region
Authors: Peter Massingham, Gary D. Gregory
Addresses: University of Wollongong, Australia. ' University of New South Wales, Australia
Abstract: This paper explores firms| need for external advisors as they progress through the stages of internationalisation in selected Asian countries. It integrates an experience curve model of internationalisation with an external advisors need model. Examining 10 case studies using depth interviews with senior executives (e.g. CEOs) of large Australian multinational corporations (MNCs) operating in the Asian Region, we find that market entry decisions, current stage of internationalisation, internal resources/capabilities, and prior international experience influence the role of external advisors in the firm|s internationalisation. The role of external advisors also appears to impact the pace of internationalisation through each stage, as well as the firm|s ability to meet specific strategic objectives at each stage.
Keywords: external advisors; internationalisation; knowledge links; Asia-Pacific; Australia; multinational corporations; international business; inter-firm networks; strategic alliances; knowledge transfer.
DOI: 10.1504/JIBED.2004.007852
Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 2004 Vol.2 No.2, pp.42 - 53
Published online: 27 Sep 2005 *
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