Title: Verification of lean-kanban processes with probabilistic model checking
Authors: Lianyi Zhang; Qingdi Meng; Guiming Luo
Addresses: Beijing Simulation Center, Beijing 100854, China; School of Software, Tsinghua University, Haidian District, Beijing 100084, China ' School of Software, Tsinghua University, Haidian District, Beijing 100084, China ' School of Software, Tsinghua University, Haidian District, Beijing 100084, China
Abstract: Many software processes have been adopted in industrial practices. It is important to be able to understand whether a software process is efficient and effective. Many software process simulation methods have been proposed over the years to estimate and measure the processes. These measurements are highly effective at what they do but they are also highly inefficient in other terms. In this paper, we present a proposal for the application of probabilistic model checking in software process modelling, simulation and verification. Software processes are modelled using Markov chain models and the interested properties are specified as probabilistic temporal logic. We illustrate the proposal by a real case study of software maintenance of the lean-kanban process. The process requirements were validated by PRISM.
Keywords: software processes; Markov chain; lean processes; kanban; probabilistic temporal logic; software process verification; probabilistic model checking; software process modelling; simulation; model verification; software maintenance.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCAT.2016.076799
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2016 Vol.53 No.4, pp.358 - 368
Received: 26 Jun 2014
Accepted: 13 Nov 2014
Published online: 01 Jun 2016 *