Title: Design issues and orientations in additive manufacturing
Authors: Steinar Killi; William Lavatelli Kempton; Andrew Morrison
Addresses: Institute of Design, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Maridalsveien 29, 0175, Oslo, Norway ' Institute of Design, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Maridalsveien 29, 0175, Oslo, Norway ' Institute of Design, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Maridalsveien 29, 0175, Oslo, Norway
Abstract: Journal articles, conferences, TV programs and books are now flooding the academic and popular market about additive manufacturing, commonly labelled 3D printing. In the context of product design, as distinct from engineering, this paper focuses on design issues when considering using additive manufacturing technology in new product development or improving existing products. Offered is a detailed scope of the designer's role in product development using additive manufacturing technology. This is realised (1) as representations (prototypes, mock-ups, scaled-models, etc.); (2) through manufacturing (tools, jigs, stencils, etc.); and (3) as manufactured artefacts (sunglasses, etc.). In addition, an approach to designing for both new product development and improvement of existing products is presented. This approach, called Adapt, Integrate, Compensate, Elongate (AICE), is elaborated and exemplified, giving guidelines to designers, engineers and makers. The paper closes by reflecting on the implications of such an approach for the further development of design-centred perspectives on additive manufacturing, moving dominant disciplinary discourses towards product design, development and analysis to complement the burgeoning attention to tools, material and production.
Keywords: rapid prototyping; rapid tooling; additive manufacturing; 3D printing; product design; new product development; NPD; design issues; design-centred perspectives; AICE; adapt integrate compensate elongate; iterative; loop-based modelling; orientation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJRAPIDM.2015.074808
International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing, 2015 Vol.5 No.3/4, pp.289 - 307
Received: 07 Sep 2015
Accepted: 23 Nov 2015
Published online: 19 Feb 2016 *