Title: An empirical investigation of online banner ads in online market places: the cognitive factors that influence intention to click
Authors: Efosa C. Idemudia; Donald R. Jones
Addresses: College of Business, Arkansas Tech University, Rothwell Hall, Room 448, 106 West O Street, Russellville, Arkansas 72801, USA ' Rawls College of Business, Information Systems and Quantitative Sciences Area, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409-2101, USA
Abstract: When is an internet computer user willing to click on a banner ad? This question has been addressed from the production side, via research on algorithms and models that recommend banner ads for display, as well as a few animation studies about attention-grabbing features of internet advertisements. The research reported in this study takes a different approach by investigating factors that influence the intention to click online banner ads. The theoretical background for the online banner ad (OBA) model is the theory of reasoned action. By integrating intention to click, core factors from the technology acceptance model (TAM), and antecedents specific to the banner ad context, that the OBA model explains the positive influence of important antecedents on the behavioural intention of web users to click online banner ads. To validate the OBA model, we collected data from college students. This study has significant implications for websites and apps developments.
Keywords: click-through rates; online banner ads; intention to click; online advertising; technology acceptance model; TAM; beliefs; attitude; cognitive factors; theory of reasoned action; apps development; behavioural intention; web users.
DOI: 10.1504/IJISAM.2015.072302
International Journal of Information Systems and Management, 2015 Vol.1 No.3, pp.264 - 293
Received: 02 Sep 2014
Accepted: 19 May 2015
Published online: 08 Oct 2015 *