Title: Microwave processing in MOX fuel cycle
Authors: G.K. Mallik, R.K. Malav, J.P. Panakkal, H.S. Kamath
Addresses: Advanced Fuel Fabrication Facility, BARC, Tarapur, PO Ghivali, Thane 401 502, Maharasthra, India. ' Advanced Fuel Fabrication Facility, BARC, Tarapur, PO Ghivali, Thane 401 502, Maharasthra, India. ' Advanced Fuel Fabrication Facility, BARC, Tarapur, PO Ghivali, Thane 401 502, Maharasthra, India. ' Advanced Fuel Fabrication Facility, BARC, Tarapur, PO Ghivali, Thane 401 502, Maharasthra, India
Abstract: The prominent aspect of the microwave heating technique applications in nuclear material processing is its eco-friendly status. It is envisaged that no active liquid waste will be generated from microwave processing. AFFF has fabricated the (U, Pu)2O mixed oxide fuels for PHWRs, BWRs and PFBR. AFFF is also working for the AHWR fuel cycle. The present paper summarises about the process experiments, instrumental development, results, and future applications of microwave heating technique.
Keywords: MOX; fuel scrap; dissolution; denitration; incineration; microwave heating; nuclear fuel processing; nuclear waste; nuclear power; nuclear energy; microwave processing; nuclear reactors; mixed oxide fuels; nuclear fuel cycle.
DOI: 10.1504/IJNEST.2005.007141
International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology, 2005 Vol.1 No.2/3, pp.184 - 190
Published online: 29 May 2005 *
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