Title: Resource dependency and collaboration in construction supply chain: literature review and development of a conceptual framework
Authors: Matteo Donato; Kamrul Ahsan; Himanshu Shee
Addresses: Supply Chain and Logistics Discipline, College of Business, Victoria University, Melbourne 3000, Australia ' Supply Chain and Logistics Discipline, College of Business, Victoria University, Melbourne 3000, Australia ' Supply Chain and Logistics Discipline, College of Business, Victoria University, Melbourne 3000, Australia
Abstract: The construction industry supply chain is seen as a highly volatile and inefficient mechanism that falls well short of expectations due to its project focus rather than its supply chain management prowess. Relationships are short term and project-based so the development of enduring relationships become difficult. The purpose of this study is to present a conceptual model that looks at how construction supply chain actors develop relationships from partner selection through to project completion. The conceptual model, suggests that the relationship is dynamic and changes through the life cycle of a project and is linked to future working relationships. Proposing that dependency and collaboration, trust and price and mediated and non-mediated power become interrelated rather than individual constructs that act independently on the relationship. The relationships proposed will provide an avenue to further extend the literature on supply chain relationships, not only in the construction industry but possibly in other industries that rely heavily on third party suppliers.
Keywords: resource dependency; trust; price; construction supply chains; supply chain collaboration; supply chain management; SCM; literature review; conceptual framework; supply chain relationships; construction industry.
International Journal of Procurement Management, 2015 Vol.8 No.3, pp.344 - 364
Received: 02 Oct 2013
Accepted: 08 Feb 2014
Published online: 30 Apr 2015 *