Title: Exploring factors affecting service quality of ERP on cloud: a revelatory case study
Authors: Sumedha Chauhan; Mahadeo Jaiswal
Addresses: Management Development Institute, 416, FPM-Block, Mehrauli Road, Sukhrali, Gurgaon 122 001, India ' Management Development Institute, A-Block, Mehrauli Road, Sukhrali, Gurgaon 122 001, India
Abstract: With the emergence of cloud-based services, organisations now have a lucrative option for implementing ERP in the form of software-as-a-service (SaaS). A review of the literature reveals that very few studies have examined the quality of SaaS. Using a revelatory case study of a client and their service provider, this study assesses the quality of ERP on cloud using SaaS-Qual and further explores new factors that may affect the quality of service. The study also investigates how service providers can work on these factors to enhance and differentiate their offerings. The results from the study suggest that constant feedback, two-way communication, realistic expectations of the client and low cost functionality also enhance the perception of service quality. In addition, the study also confirms some of the known factors affecting the service quality of SaaS. Thus, the study provides insights not only to SaaS vendors but also to enterprise users for enhancing service quality experience.
Keywords: case study; cloud computing; enterprise resource planning; ERP implementation; service quality; SERVQUAL; software-as-a-service; SaaS; information systems; SaaS-Qual.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2015.069066
International Journal of Business Information Systems, 2015 Vol.19 No.1, pp.87 - 102
Published online: 26 Apr 2015 *
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