Title: Research on PSO algorithms for the rectangular packing problem
Authors: Jinmin Wang; Yang Qi; Jing Zhang
Addresses: Tianjin Key Laboratory of High Speed Cutting & Precision Machining, Tianjin University of Technology and Education, Tianjin 300222, China ' Tianjin Key Laboratory of High Speed Cutting & Precision Machining, Tianjin University of Technology and Education, Tianjin 300222, China ' Tianjin Key Laboratory of High Speed Cutting & Precision Machining, Tianjin University of Technology and Education, Tianjin 300222, China
Abstract: For packing problems that are complex optimisation problems, the solutions must rely on heuristics. Particle swarm optimisation (PSO) is an emerging technique that utilises heuristics. Because of its simplicity, PSO has been widely applied to a variety of fields, including applications to the packing problem. This paper researches the search efficiency of the PSO algorithm. Through fitting the data to the length of the solution interval and the number of iterations, a strong search capability for the PSO is proved. Then, the results of experiments with comparisons of many disturbance strategies show that a stochastic strategy is beneficial for raising the search capability of the algorithm.
Keywords: rectangular packing problem; PSO; particle swarm optimisation; ordering rules; location rules; solution interval; stochastic strategy; search capability.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCAT.2015.068395
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2015 Vol.51 No.1, pp.15 - 22
Published online: 01 Apr 2015 *
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