Title: Optimal production run length for an imperfect production process with allowable shortages in fuzzy random environments
Authors: Gour Chandra Mahata
Addresses: Department of Mathematics, Sitananda College, P.O. and P.S. – Nandigram, Dist. – Purba Medinipur, Pin – 721631, West Bengal, India
Abstract: In this article, we develop a model to determine the economic production run length for a deteriorating production system and allowable shortages in fuzzy random environments. Based on the credibility measure of fuzzy event, the economic production quantity model with fuzzy random elapsed time can be transformed into a crisp model when deriving the expected total cost per unit time. The optimal production run length is proved to exist and be unique. Bounds for the optimal production run length are provided. Furthermore, the bisection method searching for the optimal production run length is designed. The relevant applications of the model are outlined. Finally, a numerical example is given to confirm the proposed model.
Keywords: inventory modelling; deteriorating production systems; optimal run length; fuzzy random variables; credibility theory; production run length; imperfect production processes; allowable shortages; economic production quantity; EPQ.
DOI: 10.1504/IJISE.2015.068374
International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 2015 Vol.19 No.4, pp.433 - 463
Received: 17 Jun 2013
Accepted: 14 Oct 2013
Published online: 01 Apr 2015 *