Title: Transformation of an entrepreneurial firm to a global service provider: the case study of Infosys
Authors: Nrupesh Mastakar, B. Bowonder
Addresses: Tata Management Training Centre, Pune No.1, Mangaldas Road, Pune – 411 001, India. ' Tata Management Training Centre, Pune No.1, Mangaldas Road, Pune – 411 001, India
Abstract: Infosys today is the benchmark in the Indian Information and Technology Industry. The company has emerged from a normal ||Body-Shopping|| outfit to an End-To-End solution provider through a strong process orientation and an enabling culture. It is on the threshold of breaking into the big league and become a recognised IT servicing outfit on a global scale. The company has installed quality systems and processes which are benchmarks today in the IT services sector. Training and development offered at Infosys is world-class, the ESOPs are offered for sustaining the employee motivation, which is the main reason for Infosys being regarded as the ||Best Employer in India||. It is also one of the few organisations in India, which is using economic value added (EVA) as a tool for performance measurement. The core values inculcated by the top management and its vision to excel will drive its growth in the coming future and make Infosys a global player in IT consulting and servicing arena. Core values, process driven business and customer retention make it sustain its competitiveness. The three major business processes that give it an identity are global delivery model, in-flux business model and quality systems. The three soft elements that helped Infosys to grow are organisational attributes such as open-culture, internal commitment and entrepreneurial orientation. These cultural elements and the process orientation made Infosys a reputed organisation through its philosophy: ||Under promise and over deliver||, leading to customer satisfaction and customer retention.
Keywords: globalisation; collective ownership; information technology industry; end-to-end services; Infosys; entrepreneurship; India; economic value added; performance measurement; quality systems; customer satisfaction; customer retention; motivation; business processes; training; employee development; developing countries.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2005 Vol.32 No.1/2, pp.34 - 56
Published online: 15 Apr 2005 *
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