Title: Restructuring transport sector towards sustainability: infrastructure and market prospects of alternative fuels in EU transportation
Authors: Pelopidas Siskos; Pantelis Capros
Addresses: National Technical University of Athens, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Heroon Polytechniou 9, Polytechnioupoli Zografou, 15780 Athens, Greece ' National Technical University of Athens, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Heroon Polytechniou 9, Polytechnioupoli Zografou, 15780 Athens, Greece
Abstract: The penetration of alternative fuels in transport is widely acknowledged to be essential towards a sustainable low carbon future of transport system. The main market barrier for alternative fuels is the lack of the associated infrastructure development. This paper presents the involved decision makers related to the market of alternative fuels and depicts the importance of their coordination through public intervention, regulations and incentives. The focus of this paper is on the key market and economic factors related to the uptake of biofuels, electricity and hydrogen infrastructure in Europe. Identifying the decision makers and understanding their relationship is a key factor for enabling policy-makers to eventually design targeted strategies towards the envisaged sustainable development of transport sector.
Keywords: alternative fuels; EU transport; sustainable energy; infrastructure investments; market coordination; electricity; hydrogen; transport restructuring; sustainability; transport infrastructure; sustainable transport; sustainable development; European Union; public intervention; regulations; incentives; biofuels.
DOI: 10.1504/IJDSS.2015.067570
International Journal of Decision Support Systems, 2015 Vol.1 No.2, pp.210 - 227
Received: 08 Apr 2014
Accepted: 27 Sep 2014
Published online: 18 Mar 2015 *