Title: Corporate social responsibility and stakeholder approach: a conceptual review
Authors: Nada K. Kakabadse, Cecile Rozuel, Linda Lee-Davies
Addresses: University College Northampton, Northampton Business School, Park Campus, Boughton Green Road, Northampton, NN2 7AL, UK. ' University of Surrey, School of Management, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH, UK ' University College Northampton, Northampton Business School, Park Campus, Boughton Green Road, Northampton, NN2 7AL, UK
Abstract: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the notion of a stakeholder approach are pivotal concepts when examining the role of business in society, but their relationship has been studied and much debated for decades. Academic research on the social or societal responsibilities of business organisations and the public interest in social and environmental issues incumbent upon businesses have changed since the 1950s. This article provides an overview of the existing research on CSR over the past 50 years and identifies key characteristics defining the concept of CSR. It also examines the challenges and implications of the stakeholder approach as highlighted by previous research, often in relation to research on CSR.
Keywords: corporate social responsibility; CSR; stakeholder approach; stakeholder theory; social responsibilities; environmental responsibilities; ethics.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBGE.2005.006733
International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, 2005 Vol.1 No.4, pp.277 - 302
Published online: 04 Apr 2005 *
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