Title: Laser ultrasonic guided wave methods for defect detection and materials characterisation
Authors: B. Boro Djordjevic
Addresses: Materials and Sensors Technologies, Inc., 798 Cromwell Park Drive, Suite C, Glen Burnie, MD 21061, USA
Abstract: Laser ultrasonic sources and guided wave sensing methods, using non-contact transducers or sub-wavelength miniature sensors, are utilised to nondestructively evaluate structural defects or composite material properties. These methods enable in-plane ultrasonic signal testing and very accurate measurements of the ultrasonic directional velocities. Additionally, sensing of the guided wave modes changes, in the geometrically complex composite structures, enables detection of the material structural damage. Experimental data demonstrates reproducibility and feasibility of such tests to sense discontinuity (crack) type defects and characterise micro structural damage in the composite materials.
Keywords: laser ultrasound; nondestructive evaluation; NDE; ultrasonic signal testing; guided waves; composites; material properties; defect detection; materials characterisation; structural defects; structural damage; cracks; microstructure; nondestructive testing; NDT.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMMP.2014.066914
International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties, 2014 Vol.9 No.3/4/5, pp.338 - 347
Published online: 16 Jan 2015 *
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