Title: The role of innovation and knowledge management impact on the organisational performance in a free trade economy
Authors: Saikat Gochhait; P.C. Tripathy; Fabrício Moraes De Almeida
Addresses: Khalikote Auto College, Berhampur, India ' Sambalpur University, India ' Development and Environment (PGDRA – UNIR), Rondônia, Brazil
Abstract: Innovation, like spring, is in the air. Creativity is all the rage, entrepreneurship is on every agenda. As Einstein tells us, it seems managers are more and more 'using their legs' (and their brains) to convert their ideas into constructive products. The study to demonstrate that one of the major reasons is that, with the acceleration of globalisation process, innovation is more and more seen as the appropriate tool to create business value. Hence, the three parts of this article which aims at giving a general overview of the topic. First, we will describe the general framework of both free trade market and current economic trends, then we will analyse more deeply the core concept of innovation. Finally, implementation of innovation will be treated, before widening our thought regarding key concepts such as value, and knowledge management.
Keywords: innovation; globalisation; knowledge management; organisational performance; firm performance; free trade economies; value.
DOI: 10.1504/WRSTSD.2014.066815
World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 2014 Vol.11 No.3/4, pp.282 - 293
Received: 11 Mar 2014
Accepted: 07 Aug 2014
Published online: 14 Jan 2015 *