Title: The genetic landscape on manifolds from human genes
Authors: Wei-Chen Cheng
Addresses: Information Systems Technology and Design, Singapore University of Technology and Design, 20 Dover Dr, 138682, Singapore
Abstract: The high throughput sequencing technology generates large amount of data and the computational methods therefore play important roles in bioinformatics research. This paper reports the findings from the result of analysing human genetic information by three manifold learning algorithms and two clustering methods. We target the genes that relate to human intelligence, selecting 38 of them, and marking them on the visualisation results.
Keywords: genetic landscape; manifolds; human genes; population; DNA; protein coding region; human intelligence; human intellectual development; DISOM; sequencing; bioinformatics; manifold learning; clustering.
DOI: 10.1504/IJIIDS.2014.066640
International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 2014 Vol.8 No.3, pp.244 - 259
Received: 01 May 2013
Accepted: 21 Dec 2013
Published online: 11 Jan 2015 *