Title: Mobile shopping: the next frontier of the shopping industry? An emerging market perspective
Authors: Choy-Har Wong; Garry Wei-Han Tan; Keng-Boon Ooi; Binshan Lin
Addresses: School of Business and Administration, Wawasan Open University, 80 Persiaran Green Hill, 30450 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia ' Faculty of Business and Finance, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Jalan Universiti, Bandar Barat, 31900 Kampar, Perak, Malaysia ' Faculty of Business, Management and Accountancy, Linton University College, Persiaran UTL, Bandar Universiti Teknologi Legenda, Batu 12, 71700 Mantin, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia ' Business School, Louisiana State University in Shreveport, Shreveport, LA 71115, USA
Abstract: As the world is heading towards mobile-mediated transactions, the development of mobile shopping (m-shopping) is expected to change how consumers shop online. The study therefore investigates on the factors influencing consumers intention to adopt m-shopping by extending three additional variables, namely, compatibility (CO), perceived enjoyment (PE) and perceived cost (PC) with the original technology acceptance model (TAM). Experience was also introduced as a control variable in this research. The results via multiple regression analysis (MRA) revealed that only TAM and CO have a positive and significant impact on the intention to adopt m-shopping. PE, PC and experience were found to be non-significant and therefore require further investigation. The findings provide valuable theoretical and managerial implications for both academicians and practitioners. Importantly, the study also serves as a guideline for future research in other emerging or established markets.
Keywords: mobile shopping; m-shopping; TAM; technology acceptance model; MRA; multiple regression analysis; emerging markets; intention to adopt; compatibility; perceived enjoyment; perceived cost.
International Journal of Mobile Communications, 2015 Vol.13 No.1, pp.92 - 112
Received: 29 Jul 2013
Accepted: 10 Oct 2013
Published online: 29 Nov 2014 *