Title: Generalised dependent competing risks for imperfect maintenance
Authors: Makram Krit
Addresses: Higher Institute of Companies Administration, Gafsa University, Cité des Jeunes, 2133, Gafsa, Tunisia
Abstract: This research deals with stochastic modelling and the parametric estimation of corrective and preventive maintenance efficiency for industrial systems in degradation. The generalisation of the models suggested makes it possible to integrate this dependence between corrective and preventive maintenances. In order to take into account this dependency and the possibility of imperfect maintenances, generalised competing risks models have been presented in Doyen and Gaudi (2006). In this study, we revise the general case for which the potential times to next corrective and preventive maintenance are dependent conditionally to the past of the maintenance process. We address the identifiability issue and find a result similar to that of Dijoux et al. (2008) for usual competing risks. The properties of the parameters estimators have to be theoretically studied. Finally, results are applied to real maintenance dataset.
Keywords: reliability; imperfect maintenance; system degradation; failure intensity; competing risks; imperfect maintenance; industrial systems engineering; stochastic modelling; parameter estimation; preventive maintenance; maintenance efficiency; corrective maintenance.
DOI: 10.1504/IJISE.2014.065617
International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 2014 Vol.18 No.4, pp.454 - 466
Received: 18 Mar 2013
Accepted: 04 Jul 2013
Published online: 07 Nov 2014 *