Title: Recycled hardmetal-based powder composite coatings: optimisation of composition, structure and properties
Authors: Priit Kulu; Helmo Käerdi; Andrei Surzenkov; Riho Tarbe; Renno Veinthal; Dmitri Goljandin; Arkadi Zikin
Addresses: Department of Materials Engineering, Tallinn University of Technology, Ehitajate tee 5, 19086 Tallinn, Estonia ' Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, Kase 61, 12012 Tallinn, Estonia ' Department of Materials Engineering, Tallinn University of Technology, Ehitajate tee 5, 19086 Tallinn, Estonia ' Department of Materials Engineering, Tallinn University of Technology, Ehitajate tee 5, 19086 Tallinn, Estonia ' Department of Materials Engineering, Tallinn University of Technology, Ehitajate tee 5, 19086 Tallinn, Estonia ' Department of Materials Engineering, Tallinn University of Technology, Ehitajate tee 5, 19086 Tallinn, Estonia ' Excellence Centre of Tribology, AC2T Research GmbH, Viktor-Kaplan-Straße 2, 2700 Wiener Neustadt, Austria
Abstract: Hardfacing is among the most economical methods for surface treatment and service life and efficiency improvement of metal parts subjective to wear. At the same time use of low-cost recycling technologies in the production of powders is of current interest. Focus in this paper is on: a) the production of hardmetal/cermet powders as reinforcements for composite coatings; b) deposition technologies and optimisation of coating structure; c) the wear resistance of coatings at different abrasive wear conditions. The article describes the production and grindability of hardmetal (WC-Co) and cermet (Cr3C2-Ni, TiC-NiMo) powders and their size and shape. Results address the optimisation of the composition and structure of HVOF-sprayed and PTA-welded composite powder coatings based on the commercial spray powders and produced hardmetal/cermet powders. The abrasive wear resistance of coatings at different wear conditions (rubber wheel, erosion and impact wear tests) is analysed.
Keywords: hardmetal powders; cermet powders; recycling; composite powders; powder characterisation; powder coatings; structure optimisation; HVOF spray; high velocity oxy-fuel spraying; PTA welding; plasma-transferred arc welding; abrasive wear; coating reinforcement; deposition technologies; optimisation; coating structure; wear resistance; grindability.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMPT.2014.064038
International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 2014 Vol.49 No.2/3, pp.180 - 202
Received: 30 Apr 2013
Accepted: 05 Sep 2013
Published online: 30 Aug 2014 *