Title: Software architecture and stress tracker utilising nanofibre technique-based smart clothes
Authors: Hee-Cheol Kim; Tae-Woong Kim; Mun-Il Joo; Jun-Su Kim; Kayoung Lee; Yao Meng; Sang-Hoon Yi; Gi-Soo Chung
Addresses: Department of Computer Engineering, Ubiquitous Healthcare Research Center (UHRC), Inje University, Gimhae, Gyeong-Nam, 621-749, South Korea ' Department of Computer Engineering, Ubiquitous Healthcare Research Center (UHRC), Inje University, Gimhae, Gyeong-Nam, 621-749, South Korea ' Department of Computer Engineering, Ubiquitous Healthcare Research Center (UHRC), Inje University, Gimhae, Gyeong-Nam, 621-749, South Korea ' Department of Family Medicine, Paik Hospital/Inje University, Busan, 614-735, South Korea ' Department of Family Medicine, Paik Hospital/Inje University, Busan, 614-735, South Korea ' School of Information Technology, Eastern Liaoning University, Liaoning, Dandong, 118000, China; Department of Computer Science, Inje University, Gimhae, Gyeong-Nam, 621-749, South Korea ' Department of Computer Simulation, School of Computer Aided Science, Inje University, Gimhae, Gyeong-Nam, 621-749, South Korea ' Micro Manufacturing System Technology Center, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH), Ansan, Gyeong-Gi, 426-822, South Korea
Abstract: Smart clothes containing nanoweb-based biosensors to acquire vital signs, known as wellness wear, have great potentiality as a wearable computing device that helps care for and promote health. This paper firstly presents a wellness wear system that we are currently developing, primarily discussing two crucial technologies of biosensors and digital yarns transmitting data, which play an important role to support comfort and wearability. Secondly, it also presents both software architecture, essential as a fundamental basis to provide sustainable and seamless various medical services, and a software application involving a stress tracker working together with the wellness wear system. The stress tracker as an example of healthcare devices, running on an Android-based smart phone, analyses the electrocardiograph (ECG) data obtained from wellness wear and provides a programme to evaluate users autonomous nervous system (ANS) which controls mental stress, and to give them proper biofeedback.
Keywords: autonomous nervous system; ANS; biosensors; electrocardiograph; ECG; heart rate variability; HRV; nanofibre; smart clothes; smart phones; stress.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMPT.2014.062940
International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 2014 Vol.49 No.1, pp.41 - 56
Received: 17 Jul 2013
Accepted: 26 Nov 2013
Published online: 19 Jul 2014 *