Title: Computer-controlled hydrometallurgical zinc leaching

Authors: Mincho Chimbulev, Constantin Kotzev

Addresses: VHTI, Higher Institute for Chemical Technology, Sofia, Bulgaria. ' VHTI, Higher Institute for Chemical Technology, Sofia, Bulgaria

Abstract: A polynomic second-order method has been derived that describes the influence of temperature, initial acidity, the acidity when feeding with burnt blende is stopped, and the feed rate of the burnt blende upon the pH-value during hydrometallurgical zinc extraction in the semi-continuous mode. A computer algorithm was developed, based on the solution of a mathematical model with respect to the controlling parameter (the acidity during the stoppage of burnt blende feeding).

Keywords: computer-controlled materials processing; hydrometallurgy; mathematical modelling; zinc leaching; burnt blende; temperature; initial acidity; feed rate; zinc extraction.

DOI: 10.1504/IJCAT.1990.062715

International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 1990 Vol.3 No.4, pp.221 - 224

Published online: 11 Jun 2014 *

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