Title: The problem of simultaneous actions during assembly
Authors: Abdellah Hoummady, Kalyan Ghosh
Addresses: Industrial Engineering Department, Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. ' Industrial Engineering Department, Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Abstract: This paper deals with the problem of determining the sequences that can be used for the assembly of a product. The different types of simultaneities have been examined in detail. Compulsory simultaneities are caused by the geometric particularities of a product and they must be taken into consideration in developing the admissible sequences, whereas the optional simultaneities could be used to combine a number of operations at a workstation in order to reduce the assembly cost. A practical example is presented to explain the theoretical concepts.
Keywords: automated assembly; assembly sequences; functional liaison; compulsory simultaneities; optional simultaneities; product geometry; admissible sequences; assembly costs.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCAT.1990.062704
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 1990 Vol.3 No.2, pp.119 - 123
Published online: 11 Jun 2014 *
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