Title: A utility approach to determine productivity measures for a computer science department
Authors: Charles R. White
Addresses: Department of Industrial Engineering, Auburn University, Alabama, USA
Abstract: Multi-attribute utility theory is commonly applied to decision-making problems in which the possible decision consequences are characterised by more than one attribute. This study developed utility functions to provide a measure of effectiveness for project ranking and ultimately to enhance productivity in the computer science department of a large organisation. Steps in developing utility functions are summarised, and questions requiring answers are presented. The computer science model illustrated in this study uses twenty-one attributes in the major categories of services, security, personnel, and development. This model is illustrated in exhibits, and its use, flexibility, and implementation are discussed. Conclusions are drawn as to the value of using such a model as an aid to decision making.
Keywords: decision making; effectiveness measurement; multi-attribute utility theory; project ranking; productivity measures; computer science departments.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCAT.1991.062581
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 1991 Vol.4 No.4, pp.226 - 233
Published online: 10 Jun 2014 *
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