Title: AXIFORGE: A PC-based forging design program for computer-integrated engineering environments
Authors: M.J. Nategh, M. Bakhshi
Addresses: Technology Development Project, Ministry of Heavy Industries, Ghaem-Magham Farahani Ave., Golriz St., No. 10-12, P.0 Box 15875/3438, Tehran 15896, Iran. ' University of Tarbiat Modarres, Mechanical Engineering Dept., Tehran, Iran
Abstract: A CAD program for an integrated engineering system in forging industries should be able to deal with various aspects of forging die design and forging post processes, and to exchange data with other software commonly employed within the system. Data flow patterns and data exchange standards required for integration of different engineering activities in forges are examined and an account of a forging CAD program, AXIFORGE, developed by the authors for integrated environments is presented in this paper. AXIFORGE includes all design procedures related to finishing and preforming operations and post processes such as trimming and punching functions.
Keywords: CADCAM; communication networks; die cavity; draft angle; DXF; data exchange format; EDM; engineering data management; flash gutter; flash land; operational planning; preforming; process planning; punching; trimming; forging design; CAD; computer-integrated engineering; die design.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCAT.1998.062181
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 1998 Vol.11 No.1/2, pp.33 - 44
Published online: 01 Jun 2014 *
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