Title: Design and analysis of an antilock brake control system with electric brake actuator
Authors: W.C. Lin, D.J. Dobner, R.D. Fruechte
Addresses: Vehicle Systems Research Department, General Motors NAO Research and Development Center, Warren., MI 48090-9055, USA. ' Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, General Motors NAO Research and Development Center, Warren., MI 48090-9055, USA. ' Vehicle Systems Research Department, General Motors NAO Research and Development Center, Warren., MI 48090-9055, USA
Abstract: This paper analyses the feasibility of an antilock brake control system using an electric brake actuator. The analysis is focused on the closed-loop control of wheel slip. Wheel and vehicle dynamics during longitudinal braking on uniform surfaces are first analysed to provide a model for performance evaluation using a linear feedback controller design with ideal feedback information from the vehicle, wheel and actuator sensors. The robustness of the linear controller is then analysed by a parametric study of the system|s root locus. Since the linear controller was found to have difficulty solving the sensitivity problem, a nonlinear feedback control was then analysed. A formulation of sliding-mode control for the brake system is derived, and a simple solution to the brake control command is also proposed. Computer simulation results of both the linear and nonlinear controller are presented.
Keywords: ABS; antilock braking system; electric brakes; sliding mode control; SMC; wheel slip; vehicle braking; brake control; electric brake actuators; wheel dynamics; vehicle dynamics; vehicle modelling; dynamic modelling; feedback control; controller design; vehicle design.
International Journal of Vehicle Design, 1993 Vol.14 No.1, pp.13 - 43
Published online: 28 May 2014 *
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