Title: Kinematics of a bicone on sharp-edged rails
Authors: M. Decuyper
Addresses: Universite Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Abstract: An analytical solution is proposed for the problem of the contact between a pair of conical wheels and a sharp-edged straight track. The problem is dealt with using analytical geometry, in such a way that no approximation is needed and that a full nonlinear solution is obtained without any iterative procedure. The sequence of calculations is rather intricate, but quite elementary to implement on a computer. Linear and quadratic approximations of these calculations lead to explicit expressions for the kinematical constraints and for the coordinates of the contact points. Separate analyses of the pure yawing and rolling motions are given as geometrical confirmation and for interpretation of the results obtained, referring in particular to the fixed and rolling centrodes theory; they clearly show that for large conicities or non-traditional configurations, the stiffnesses (e.g. gravitational) may change sign. The results of these calculations may be used as a kinematical basis for the study of wheelset dynamics.
Keywords: rail vehicle dynamics; conical wheels; straight track; contact location; kinematic constraints; yawing motion; rolling motion; fixed centrodes; rolling centrodes; gravitational stiffness; railways; wheelset dynamics.
International Journal of Vehicle Design, 1983 Vol.4 No.3, pp.323 - 336
Published online: 25 May 2014 *
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