Title: Computer-aided procedures for optimization of engine controls
Authors: J.A. Tennant, A.I. Cohen, H.S. Rao, J.D. Powell
Addresses: General Motors Engineering Staff, Warren, Michigan, USA. ' Systems Control Inc., Palo Alto, California, USA. ' Systems Control Inc., Palo Alto, California, USA. ' Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA
Abstract: A systematic procedure has been developed for establishing optimum engine performance, in terms of fuel economy and exhaust emissions constraints, as a function of spark advance, exhaust gas recirculation, and air-to-fuel ratio. The salient features of the procedure are: (a) it is based on mathematical engine models that have been validated over a driving cycle on an engine dynamometer, (b) it is based on solving a nonlinear programming problem with equality and inequality constraints, and (c) the results of the optimization are used to develop control calibrations that can be implemented on a vehicle. This paper describes the procedure to determine optimal calibrations for a fuel injected spark ignitition engine under warmed-up operating conditions.
Keywords: vehicle design; computer-aided design; CAD; engine control optimisation; fuel economy; emissions control.
International Journal of Vehicle Design, 1983 Vol.4 No.3, pp.258 - 269
Published online: 25 May 2014 *
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