Title: Influence of payload on the dynamic stresses in vehicle structures
Authors: S. Horvith, P. Michelberger, D. Szoke
Addresses: Technical University of Budapest, Hungary. ' Technical University of Budapest, Hungary. ' Technical University of Budapest, Hungary
Abstract: Payloads contribute to vehicle vibrations not only because of the effect of their masses, but also as a result of the damping and spring stiffness effects they produce (active masses). By applying a suitable transformation, the dynamic stresses in passenger-loaded vehicle structures can be determined without increasing the degree of freedom of the vehicle. Tests have shown that a realistic simulation of pay-load reduces significantly (by 10 to 30%) vehicle stresses (mass forces) in models of elastic structure, when compared to passive simulation.
Keywords: vehicle vibration; vehicle structures; dynamic stresses; dynamic analysis; payload influence; stochastic excitation; vibrational modelling; road excitation; vehicle design.
International Journal of Vehicle Design, 1984 Vol.5 No.4, pp.407 - 416
Published online: 25 May 2014 *
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