Title: Ad hoc crisis management and crisis evasion
Authors: Tobin Hensgen, Kevin C. Desouza, J. Roberto Evaristo
Addresses: Paradigm Inc (NFP), 3105 N Rutherford, Chicago IL 60634-4062, USA. ' Department of Information and Decision Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago, 601 South Morgan Street, M/C 294 Chicago, IL 60607, USA. ' Department of Information and Decision Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago, 601 South Morgan Street, M/C 294 Chicago, IL 60607, USA
Abstract: We maintain the lack of organisational consideration for the affects of ||emergence|| is the real culprit in terms of organisational crises. Emergence discards the notion that organisations are deterministic and top-down in nature in favor of the view that holds an organisation|s existence depends on rules of evolution that include a capacity to realise and react to adapt to sudden changes as they occur. Such changes provide ||new|| information that is often ignored although it may indicate a better way to handle an evolving situation before it reaches fruition. We assert that the sheer complexity associated with the information infrastructure that might have averted many disasters makes a human top-down or any a priori ordered approach to crisis inadequate. The study of emergence, specifically during impending crisis, employs an ad hoc method intended to anticipate problems before they develop and should be regarded as a relevant step toward evading crisis.
Keywords: complexity; cybernetics; value-based theory; emergence; entropy; coupling; cohesion; information theory; semiotics; validity; probability; consequence; crisis management; crisis evasion; organisational crisis; information infrastructure; crisis avoidance; organisational memory.
DOI: 10.1504/IJTPM.2004.006077
International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 2004 Vol.4 No.3, pp.257 - 274
Published online: 31 Jan 2005 *
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