Title: Afterburning effect on the energetic and exergetic performance of an experimental turbojet engine (TJE)
Authors: Ozgur Balli
Addresses: 1st Air Supply and Maintenance Center, Jet Engines Overhaul Department, Turkish Air Forces (TurAF), Eskisehir 26230, Turkey
Abstract: This study presents the afterburning effect on energetic and exergetic performance of an experimental turbojet engine (TJE) used on military aircrafts. Energy losses and exergy consumptions are investigated to determine thermodynamic inefficiencies at military (MIL) and afterburner (AB) operation modes. Results of this study point out that the AB operation mode decreases the energy and exergy efficiencies whereas it increases dramatically the energy losses and exergy consumption of the TJE. The energy efficiency of the TJE is calculated to be 31.64% at the MIL operation mode and 24.18% at the AB operation mode. The exergy efficiencies of the TJE are estimated to be 29.81% for the MIL operation mode and 22.77% for the AB operation mode. With using the AB operation mode, the energy losses rate increases from 9801.28 kW to 29,921.47 kW and the exergy consumption rate goes up from 10,684.45 kW to 32,352.16 kW.
Keywords: military aircraft; experimental TJE; turbojet engines; afterburning effect; energy analysis; exergy analysis; energy efficiency; exergy efficiency; SFC; specific fuel consumption; performance parameters.
International Journal of Exergy, 2014 Vol.14 No.2, pp.212 - 243
Received: 19 Oct 2012
Accepted: 12 Mar 2013
Published online: 02 Mar 2015 *